
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Best wishes...

This "best wishes" card is my CAS(E) this Sketch! challenge #11 entry.

I am overjoyed as I find it really interesting to participate in such challenges. Also, this is my first entry for CAS(E) this sketch! Blog. I have recently picked up blogging :)

The card that I have made, plays mostly with the colors. I like that blue n grey compliment well with each other :) Hope u like it too :)

And the fact is, blogging has made my passion even more interesting.


  1. So very pretty Deepti! Beautiful color combination. So glad you played along with us in this week's CAS(E) this Sketch!

  2. Thank you so much Jackie :), I am thankful to you for organizing such challenges which enable people like us to explore our creativity further :)

  3. This is a beautiful colour combination! I like how you've echoed the flowers on the back panel as well! Thanks so much for playing along with this week's CAS(E) This Sketch!

  4. Thank you so Much Ardyth :), these challenges Make my card making extremely interesting :)

  5. Beautiful colour combination. Very pretty. Great take on the sketch. Thanks for playing along with us @ CAS(E) this Sketch!
